The Neighborhood Realtor

Leveraging NASCAR into Luxury Lifestyle: Branding, Social Media, & More — Josh Tucker, NC

Matt Muscat

Josh first came to North Carolina in 2002 and began his career as a NASCAR mechanic. A dream job for many, after 13 years he was looking for an exit strategy. Over the years Josh has leveraged his industry connections into a career in real estate. Although it didn’t start out as luxury, over time Josh has cultivated and nurtured his brand ad now sells $30,000,000+ per year in luxury real estate. He has a social media presence that is admirable not only for its quality but also for the amount of qualified business he earns off of it. We discussed how you can't just start out in luxury, you have to build trust first! He talks about how luxury isn’t necessarily a price point but a lifestyle. He even goes in depth to cover how he uses Instagram templates for reels to attach to current trends and get in front of the right buyers/sellers.  

The Neighborhood Realtor is proudly sponsored by Treadstone Funding and Neighborhood Loans. For more tangible tips in real estate marketing, check out Matt's book, The Tangible Action Guide for Real Estate Marketing available on Amazon. 

00:00:00:03 - 00:00:19:05

Matt M.

Welcome to the Neighborhood Realtor podcast. With me, your host, Matt Muscat. This is a podcast for real estate industry professionals who are doers. Each episode will feature an interview with a top producer or someone who is doing things differently in an exciting way. For those who already know me or have read my books or blogs, my brand of marketing is tangible and repeatable.


00:00:19:11 - 00:00:27:08

Matt M.

Because smart salespeople don't need to reinvent the wheel. My promise to you is that in each episode you'll leave with one tangible idea that you can take to the bank.


00:00:28:02 - 00:00:46:20

Matt M.

Hey, everybody. Thank you so much for tuning into our most recent episode. Today we have an awesome guest. I actually found this agent randomly on Instagram. Instagram must have thought that we needed to connect because his videos were so viral that they reached all the way from the Carolinas to Michigan, where I'm located. So, Josh Tucker, welcome to the show today.


00:00:47:06 - 00:00:49:10

Josh T.

Absolutely. Memories. Happy to be here. Thank you for having me.


00:00:50:01 - 00:01:05:16

Matt M.

So you have kind of a wild story, fast paced story, I should say. You started out in NASCAR and made your way to selling $30 million in luxury real estate. So I just kind of want you to tell your story first that people kind of know what they're getting into with your episode.


00:01:06:00 - 00:01:26:06

Josh T.

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, I started off kind of in the Midwest area, close to you in Indiana, as far as born and raised and lived there. And you know, my entire life until I came to North Carolina, I came down here and 2002. So I've been here for a little over 20 years now. And I spent my first 13, 12 or 13 years here in NASCAR.


00:01:26:13 - 00:01:49:01

Josh T.

So I was on the mechanical side of NASCAR, was in a position called a car, and it was a lot of fun. And that industry just kind of has a shelf life on it. So after so many years, there's always somebody younger that's faster and and more willing to do it. They knew. And so I knew that I had to find a good exit strategy out of NASCAR and so drove into real estate full time starting in 2014.


00:01:49:02 - 00:01:50:01

Josh T.

So tell me about that.


00:01:50:01 - 00:02:03:00

Matt M.

So like you're in NASCAR and then of all the millions of careers out there, had you known someone that had successfully transitioned into real estate or like what gave you the idea that that was the next step, or did you have an interest like where is that transition?


00:02:03:21 - 00:02:30:04

Josh T.

Yeah, So I so I didn't know anyone that successfully transitioned and that's what made me want to do it because I figured, well, you know, there's got to be a niche there. If nobody has jumped out of NASCAR and done it, there's there's got to be an opportunity. So I learned a lot of professions and made it on real estate by happenstance, I would say I look at a lot of different things, and real estate was one of the areas where I felt that I could use a lot of my connections in the NASCAR industry positively.


00:02:30:20 - 00:02:41:20

Josh T.

And I knew, you know, I just spent 11 or 12 years building relationships with all these people. So I knew whatever I did outside of NASCAR, I wanted to involve them. And, you know, it just made sense.


00:02:42:14 - 00:03:02:01

Matt M.

I loved it. And I think the big takeaway for people out there is you don't have to just work with NASCAR or the NBA or some like huge group of like a national group. You can take whatever skills and assets that you've accrued in your past career and figure out a way to apply it to a new career, in this case, real estate, because that's what everyone that listens to the show does.


00:03:02:08 - 00:03:18:05

Matt M.

But I think too many people start a new career in real estate and they just abandon everything that they worked so hard to build in their former career, where, as we know, the assets are huge. I mean, that social capital you built up in that trust you built up that did come with you when you got into real estate?


00:03:18:13 - 00:03:38:20

Josh T.

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I think for me, real estate is a relationship business. So, you know, I think that, you know, as much as hear a lot of hype about all the newest technology and A.I. and all these cool things that are taking over real estate, you know, I think those are great things to be aware of and to do your research on and to use to your benefit.


00:03:38:20 - 00:03:54:24

Josh T.

But at the end of the day, real estate, the relationship business and you have to be a social person. And like I said, I spent a long time building relationships. Some incredible people in the sports, you know, industry and within NASCAR. And I knew that I wanted to continue those relationships outside of that industry.


00:03:54:24 - 00:04:14:22

Matt M.

So I love that. So you you primarily sell a lot in the Carolina coastal area. You do a ton in Lake Norman. I think I read online that you were like you'd sold the number one most expensive listing in the Lake Norman area. Was that how long in your career did it take you to kind of establish that luxury dominance in your local market?


00:04:15:01 - 00:04:31:11

Matt M.

Because I think everyone, everyone that I've ever talked to in real estate wants to be luxury and they all want to be the number one for luxury. But obviously you kind of have to live in that in those lanes to do so. But also it does not happen overnight. So walk us through your your progression on that. Yeah.


00:04:31:21 - 00:04:50:01

Josh T.

So, I mean, you know, the most expensive result, the seven and a half million. I did represent the seller on that. So I brought that home to the market and we sold that in 2020. So I was about six years in the business before we hit that record. I had already been selling some luxury real estate prior to that.


00:04:51:11 - 00:05:09:05

Josh T.

You know, it took me a few years. My first few years was really just building up, you know, just just letting people know who I am and trying to get out there. Even though you come into the business with all these great relationships, people want to see that you're capable of doing it and see results before they entrust you with selling a multimillion dollar house.


00:05:09:05 - 00:05:25:17

Josh T.

So it took a while to build up that trust, but I'd say three or four years. I really started building my average price point. And and, you know, I've been fortunate enough over the last three or four years to sell, like you said, some of the some of the biggest and nicest ensemble like yourself.


00:05:26:07 - 00:05:42:02

Matt M.

So how did you how did you get your when you started? Right. Like, was anyone using you for anything like lower price point stuff or I mean, obviously your family had to eat a little bit and I just live off the savings. How did you get business in those early years? Obviously you had a network.


00:05:42:14 - 00:05:57:08

Josh T.

Yeah, luckily I had it. I didn't have any family. So, you know, I think early on in real estate, you know, it's kind of ingrained in you to use your family. You know, you got to have a parent or cousin or aunt or uncle or somebody that's looking to buy yourself. I don't have any family in North Carolina.


00:05:57:10 - 00:06:18:05

Josh T.

That wasn't an option for me. But I did I did have a pretty good network of people, you know. So I got licensed and started full time in 14. I didn't have a firm for sale for about five or six months, so it took me a little while. And my first sale was was a NASCAR contact. It was it was a mechanic in NASCAR, and we sold his house back in 2014 for, I think, $165,000.


00:06:18:06 - 00:06:23:04

Matt M.

So probably worth a million bucks to do it. Right. Like he's calling you.


00:06:23:04 - 00:06:42:03

Josh T.

All right. Yeah, But yeah, So, I mean, you know, I mean, it's literally started from the bottom selling 150 to $200000 houses and just just kept on working my way up. The one thing that I did early on, I always knew I kind of wanted to be in this luxury niche, just like, you know, like you said, a lot of people want to.


00:06:42:03 - 00:06:59:24

Josh T.

I made a valid effort early on to always portray myself, my marketing, my personal brand as a luxury brand. So to me, luxury isn't always about the price point. It's about a level of service and about the the content and the marketing that you put out there. So I think you can you can start by selling in today's market $300,000 houses.


00:06:59:24 - 00:07:14:10

Josh T.

And if you're marketing platform and the content that you put out and the branding that you put out as a luxurious look and a feel and you provide a luxurious level of of client experience that it's much easier to that average price point and really break into the high end world.


00:07:15:03 - 00:07:34:09

Matt M.

Well, that's such a great point because I know you do a lot with social media and social media. You can you can spend a lot of money on it. Like I don't want to sugarcoat that, but or I don't want to over overlook that. But really, an agent who has more time than money can put more time into their social media to make their stuff look a little bit more luxurious.


00:07:34:09 - 00:07:56:04

Matt M.

And the templates out there, right. You can literally go on Instagram, follow Josh Tucker, you can follow 20 other luxury agents no matter what market you're in, in the country, whether you're in a market like mine where the average price is 340 or you're somewhere where the average person is a million, as long as there are great photos, you can come up with some great marketing based, done templates on Canva and a variety of other websites.


00:07:56:10 - 00:08:05:14

Matt M.

And I think that's a huge opportunity that other people need to realize. If you can't, if your own marketing as a realtor doesn't look luxury and professional, you're never going to pick up that business.


00:08:05:19 - 00:08:30:24

Josh T.

That's right. That's right. You know, I mean, I think it's a very important to hire the best photographer even for your $340,000 listing. If you have to pay three or four or five $600 for the best photographer, the best photos that you can get, spend the money. You know, same with videography. You know, if you're if you're doing video on a $400,000 house, hire the best videographer in 4K that as you know, all the best tools and the best editing team and.


00:08:31:08 - 00:08:31:12

Matt M.



00:08:31:12 - 00:08:51:15

Josh T.

Produce incredible content. And like you said, the templates and the opportunities are out there. You know, you don't have to spend a lot of money outside of generating the content to get it pushed out there on Instagram. And people love to see it. They want to see it. I think I lost I lost your audio there. Matt Kerry.


00:08:54:04 - 00:08:54:12

Matt M.



00:08:54:19 - 00:08:55:11

Josh T.

Yeah. Gotcha.


00:08:55:22 - 00:09:15:10

Matt M.

Cool. So I want to actually echo something that our last guest said. He was an agent out of Maryland. It's the exact same thing. You just said it with different words. So I want to make sure people get it, because if two top agents are saying the same thing, this is a big deal. So he said he always puts a full amount of effort and money into every single listing.


00:09:15:17 - 00:09:34:20

Matt M.

Is that listing is ammunition and marketing to get the next listing. So every time he lists, he sells the next listing appointment with the entire an entire thumb drive or an entire Google drive of every single thing he did to get that home sold. And most agents, when they go to a listing appointment, they do the same presentation over again.


00:09:34:24 - 00:09:48:01

Matt M.

They don't change it up with recent examples. But when you when you do great marketing, you can use that as your advantage the next time. And I think too many people forget that and then they just use whatever PowerPoint presentation the broker gave them when they first get to the business. That doesn't serve them very well.


00:09:48:07 - 00:09:50:21

Josh T.

That's right. That's right. No, you're right. Yep, I agree.


00:09:50:21 - 00:10:10:09

Matt M.

I see a ton of marketing on social media and you just mentioned the reals. So how your will seem like they all get thousands of views, which I love. You're not doing 100 a week like I see some agents doing, but you're the ones you are doing your super quality walk. Walk us through your strategy on social media as well.


00:10:10:09 - 00:10:17:22

Matt M.

As I know you mentioned before that you've actually closed quite a bit of social media in the last year or so. Walk us through kind of social for your for your team.


00:10:17:22 - 00:10:40:23

Josh T.

Yeah. Yeah. So it's you know, I mean, I'm probably the exact opposite of what a social media coach or, you know, marketing guru might tell you to do. You know, there's that old adage, that old rule that 80% of your social media should be personal and 20% should be business. If you look at my social media, 100% is business, you know, so so I do things a little bit different.


00:10:40:23 - 00:11:03:03

Josh T.

It's worked for me. You know, I tend to share fewer things. So I'm like, you know, I'm not putting you know, I'm not posting every day. I'm not, you know, doing numerous deals a day. I might do one or two, but what I put out is very good quality. And then I do try to do stories every day and I try to make that more personal, you know?


00:11:03:03 - 00:11:21:09

Josh T.

So I do my Tuesday talks. I just did it last night where, you know, I allow all my followers to ask me questions. They can be real estate related that can be personal. They can be travel lifestyle, they can make comments, statements, whatever they want to do. And then I respond to those questions on my stories. So I get a lot of engagement there.


00:11:22:15 - 00:11:23:10

Josh T.

And you so.


00:11:23:15 - 00:11:28:03

Matt M.

Let's let's talk about this because this sounds like a great idea. So you're going and doing a live story?


00:11:28:19 - 00:11:55:19

Josh T.

Yeah, it's not live. It's so I was at a story in the morning every Tuesday, I post a story in the morning. I have a question on there with Instagram and I just say, you know, it's time for Tuesday to start asking questions real estate, lifestyle, travel, personal, whatever you want. And we kind of sift through them and we usually get late in the afternoon, early evening, and we start answering and I record those as a live video and put it on my story.


00:11:55:24 - 00:11:57:20

Josh T.

And I usually ask all questions.


00:11:58:04 - 00:12:08:16

Matt M.

You posed the question just kind of as like a static post, static story post or static post, and then you receive the answers or the questions that people submit and then you answer those on video.


00:12:08:18 - 00:12:26:07

Josh T.

That's right. And of course, the video to my story. So it's all on stories and it's highlighted on my page as well. It's called Tuesday Talk Q&A so people can go back and rewatch. It holds up to 100 of them. So there's 100 of them. The most recent 100 are on there. Now, people can go watch it, kind of get the understanding of it, but we do that every Tuesday.


00:12:26:15 - 00:12:42:18

Josh T.

And and I mean, there's Tuesdays, I think just yesterday for instance, I think I had 170 questions asked. Oh, yeah, I only answered 11 because it is time consuming. A lot of them are kind of duplicating questions and things like that. But people love it, you know, they love the engagement, they love the I know.


00:12:42:18 - 00:12:48:07

Matt M.

You said like lifestyle, travel, real estate, Like what kinds of questions are you getting the most of.


00:12:48:15 - 00:13:05:07

Josh T.

At best, best East Coast beach vacation, too? I get a lot of questions about real estate, my personal real estate business. I get a lot of questions from people wanting to break into real estate and asking for it. I get a lot of questions from people wanting to join my team, so I get a lot of that kind of stuff.


00:13:05:07 - 00:13:19:05

Josh T.

But then I do get lifestyle questions, I get travel questions, I get a lot of comments from people that, you know, I've traveled to Lake Norman or vacationed here and loved it, want recommendations on restaurants, things like that. So they're really all over the place.


00:13:19:22 - 00:13:49:08

Matt M.

When I love that, because that really also all relates back to the luxury lifestyle, right? So when I think of luxury, I think of Travel Leisure or leisure time. I think of great restaurants. So it's great because you're engaging with your audience at a higher level on other topics that relate to luxury. If I think of Josh or you or anyone as a luxury restaurant tour or is a luxury person to go to for travel advice, I'm also thinking of you as a luxury expert in all things.


00:13:49:15 - 00:14:10:07

Matt M.

I think it's kind of that blanket effect that that people can earn. So whatever niche you have out there, make sure you're engaging with people in similar niches. That's right. I think that's such a fun idea. Now when you're doing you've done a really great job with some of your kind of like walkthroughs of houses. And I noticed that they all seem to get a ton of use.


00:14:10:07 - 00:14:26:07

Matt M.

But, you know, most of the time I see agents doing house walkthroughs and they just fall flat. I mean, are you attaching them to trending audio or how are you are you really getting the obviously, you have a lot of followers, so that helps. How are you? Are you putting those together so that they do so well?


00:14:26:19 - 00:14:49:11

Josh T.

Yeah. I mean, you know, it is a lot of research on Instagram too, and seeing kind of what's trending. You're exactly right. Or attaching that to trending audio. And sometimes we're editing those walkthroughs. We're doing speed ramps for slowing things down to slow motion in some situations. A lot of the times it's not a continuous walk, so it might be several clips that are kind of stitched together.


00:14:50:04 - 00:15:05:10

Josh T.

You know, we're doing a lot of different things. It just, you know, and a lot with trial and error. See what works. You might I might post one to get you know, six or eight or 10,000 views and then I post something a little different at the same house with some different audio and I get a million views.


00:15:05:10 - 00:15:17:04

Josh T.

Right. So it's something you learn from that one. And you say, okay, people love to see that. Let's do more like that and less like the other. So it's kind of a learning process, but we've done a little bit of everything over the last few years more.


00:15:18:00 - 00:15:33:15

Matt M.

So when you're researching the trending audio side of things, are you just going on Instagram, going to add the music and then looking to see what it lists below is trending? Or are you do you have a resource, a Google website of Google that you use? What are how are you finding those tracks?


00:15:33:15 - 00:15:55:02

Josh T.

Yep, I'm doing it all through Instagram, so I have I had a lot of people tell me about apps that you can download and and different websites that you can go to that will help you identify some of them. Trending Music. I just always look for the up arrow on Instagram shows that it's trending and use that. And you know Instagram recently implemented their own templates too, which I've had tremendous success for.


00:15:55:02 - 00:16:23:13

Josh T.

I had I did a 8 seconds reel with an Instagram template about maybe two months ago, and it's up to 1.2 million views and I think 100,000 likes and hundreds and hundreds of comments. And it's like a long video on Instagram template. And they make it pretty simple because music's already picked out. You upload, you know, three or four or five videos of certain lengths and at times out with the audio that you've chosen and it's pretty easy to do so.


00:16:24:01 - 00:16:31:22

Matt M.

And now a message from our sponsors, the neighborhood realtor is made possible by the generous support of Treadstone funding in Neighborhood Alliance.


00:16:32:08 - 00:16:33:03

Matt M.

With locations.


00:16:33:04 - 00:16:41:18

Matt M.

All over the US neighborhood. Loans believes in doing mortgages better, faster, smarter, and creating personal relationships with their clients and realtors.


00:16:42:15 - 00:17:02:05

Matt M.

So this is fascinating because I've been talking about a version of this for ten years, and the idea is that any time a social media platform releases a new tool, there's always like a ridiculous bonus. Early adopters to use that to. All right. So when Facebook came out with Facebook Live, you would get thousands of views just for doing any shitty video.


00:17:02:17 - 00:17:20:19

Matt M.

And now it's Instagram templates. So Josh, let's let's dive deeper on this one because I think anyone could anyone could in theory, do this, whether they could do it as good as use another story. But when you go on Instagram, where do you find the Instagram pre-built templates reels? Is that just clicking on reels? If I click on reels, where do I go from there?


00:17:20:21 - 00:17:33:22

Josh T.

So if you click on a real and then click on the audio for that reel, usually if it's a trending audio, it'll say up in the upper left hand corner on on the audios page on Instagram, it'll say template and.


00:17:33:23 - 00:17:34:11

Matt M.



00:17:34:11 - 00:17:53:03

Josh T.

Okay. On that and say use this template. It'll actually bring up video, upload boxes at the bottom and you simply upload videos from your phone. Some of them are as short as three videos. Some of them are multiple videos that are point one second each video. So there's there's different variations of it, but they're all there.


00:17:54:01 - 00:18:14:07

Matt M.

I love that. I absolutely love the whatever the news tools are, we have to have to use those. So I also wanted to talk a little bit about your engagement with people on social. So obviously, I think you mentioned on the phone earlier how much business do you think you actually have You closed off of Social in 2022 and early 23?


00:18:14:07 - 00:18:35:10

Josh T.

So in 2022 I did a little over 11 million from Instagram. Well, I guess it was Instagram and TikTok, you know, TikTok to suffer because they can't really message you on TikTok unless you're both following each other versus on Instagram. People can message me even if I don't follow them. And as long as I'm looking for those messages and find them messages, we can we can have a conversation.


00:18:35:10 - 00:18:46:16

Josh T.

So some people find me on TikTok and then they message me on Instagram and they'll say, Tick tock. And it was 11 million little over 11, like 11.2 million last year in 2022.


00:18:47:10 - 00:19:05:01

Matt M.

Well, I mean, those are real. Those are real numbers. I mean, that's over $300,000 in commission. And sometimes agents start using social well, because they don't track exactly what the last communication event was that led to a client reaching out. They're not able to describe and it's a sign that value to it. And then they kind of give up.


00:19:05:11 - 00:19:19:21

Matt M.

And so knowing your numbers and knowing where something actually came from and what that was worth in your pocket is a huge motivator to continue to do it. Right. I mean, as soon as you get that first big closing of social, all of a sudden you can reinvest more time mentally into social because you know it works.


00:19:19:23 - 00:19:41:15

Josh T.

Yeah, that's right. And, you know, don't don't get caught up and you know, the belief that it's it's all the younger crowd on social especially on Instagram and TikTok. You know I mean I I'm at a mid-fifties person find me on TikTok and reach out to me on Instagram and I had a $4 million house on the lake and we sold our house and they found me on Tik tok, you know, and they're in their mid 50.


00:19:41:15 - 00:19:45:21

Josh T.

So, you know, I think the business is out there. You just got to go after it.


00:19:46:14 - 00:20:06:12

Matt M.

Well, it's also fascinating because, I mean, people typically think of social media as like that like time waster thing. It still has that reputation. Yeah. But the other side of that is people that have more leisure time do tend to have more time for social media. Obviously, a lot of people with money work very hard, but many people like us have to be on social media for work anyways, so it can.


00:20:07:03 - 00:20:23:17

Matt M.

There's some real benefit there, which I love. Yeah. Now you don't just rely on social media, you also do some past client, some. Sorry, I'm trying to stop seeing past clients. You do some current clients close client marketing. What are you doing for to keep your people engaged with you and to keep yourself top of mind.


00:20:23:19 - 00:20:44:05

Josh T.

Yeah. Yeah. So we definitely I mean, I would say a lot of my marketing budget social media is part of the least spent. It is what I spend the least on. I get the biggest rely on social, but I spend the least money there. We do a lot of print marketing, obviously luxury, print, marketing, magazine marketing, and then for client retention, you know, I do things a little bit different.


00:20:44:06 - 00:20:54:00

Josh T.

I send out kind of quarterly random gifts to clients. I don't really like calling past clients, like almost a client of mine, your client for life. But so we.


00:20:54:04 - 00:21:08:24

Matt M.

When you see your quarterly get quarterly, I want to go deeper on that for a sec. So there's every client's at a certain level VIP, whatever, get a quarterly gift or are you finding a gift and thinking like, Oh, this would be cool for that client you buy and then you go to that one person? Yeah. How does that work?


00:21:09:00 - 00:21:28:19

Josh T.

That's an excellent structure. Yeah. Every client doesn't. Every client over a certain price point doesn't get a gift. Every quarter. I sent gifts out quarterly to random clients and a lot of it's just, you know, kind of on the spur of the moment, I might be shopping and see something that that really makes me think of a client and I'm getting that for them.


00:21:29:00 - 00:21:54:15

Josh T.

Sometimes it's experiences. You know, I recently sent three clients, kind of a private chef experience with a local chef here in our area that's very well known where he's going to go and cook for them at their house. And then people love that kind of thing because that creates an experience. It's not a physical item that they, you know, we'll just put in a drawer and forget about it kind of create the lasting experience that they'll talk about it at their dinner table with their friends for years to come.


00:21:54:15 - 00:21:55:11

Josh T.

So I do a lot of that.


00:21:55:11 - 00:22:00:12

Matt M.

And, and like when you're working with luxury people, they tend to just buy everything they want anyway.


00:22:00:12 - 00:22:06:21

Josh T.

That's right. Yeah. They don't need more coffee mugs and all that kind of stuff. They have all that. All right. So get them an experience that they will. Great.


00:22:07:16 - 00:22:09:02

Matt M.

They don't want your coffee mug, right?


00:22:09:02 - 00:22:09:17

Josh T.

If they don't.


00:22:09:18 - 00:22:11:07

Matt M.

Want your pie, they don't want your coffee mug.


00:22:11:07 - 00:22:13:17

Josh T.

Or. Or nothing. They don't. They don't want all that stuff. Right.


00:22:14:01 - 00:22:33:21

Matt M.

My for my birthday this year. We're huge foodies and we've been to about every restaurant in our city. We've been to half the best places in Chicago, which is the closest big city to us. And my wife had our eight best friends over for a private chef. E course meal that featured my favorite secret ingredient and then had a small wine pairing.


00:22:33:21 - 00:22:56:17

Matt M.

And I'm like, Oh my God, best birthday ever. Because I couldn't have done that on my own. It would have had to be booked eight months out, planned meticulously, and I didn't do anything. That's right. I mean, when you get people gifts that are experiences that they couldn't just book for themselves easily and that's that's money. Yeah. Regardless of whatever whatever niche you're in luxury or something else.


00:22:56:17 - 00:23:11:00

Matt M.

Like I think there's a way to do that right? Like maybe your clients are first time homebuyers and a private chef. Dinner doesn't make sense. Maybe they need a babysitter for the night. It's your money. Why don't you show up and babysit their kids while they're all there? Like doing moving day or.


00:23:11:01 - 00:23:17:12

Josh T.

Absolutely. Send them a date box after closing. I don't do closing gifts. I don't really like closing gifts. I don't think it's the right time to give a gift.


00:23:17:12 - 00:23:18:23

Matt M.

Just Are you asking the whole.


00:23:19:00 - 00:23:45:07

Josh T.

Yeah, it's a stressful time. You got stuff everywhere. You got movers in and out. It's so it don't become memorable at that point. But you know, people saw on a three $400,000 two months after closing cinema they send them a $100 gift card to, you know, a good steakhouse or something. Send them something for a babysitter that'll watch the kids and maybe a movie, you know, the babysitter can pop in and so kids can watch out.


00:23:45:07 - 00:23:49:02

Josh T.

They're entertained. The parents get to go out and have a date night. I love that stuff.


00:23:50:01 - 00:24:14:13

Matt M.

I think I mean, I think a huge message I'm getting from this episode already is you need to lead with experience, right? Like whether you're luxury or not. If you lead your marketing, your your current client marketing, your close client marketing, your social media, everything with experience, it sells experience to sell. And I love that. Yeah. So, Josh, if someone wanted to refer to you, an agent out there as a client moving to the Carolinas, how do they get in touch with you?


00:24:14:19 - 00:24:15:19

Matt M.

What's the process.


00:24:15:19 - 00:24:24:06

Josh T.

Like? Yeah, so I mean, I would tell anybody, if you're a realtor, it should not be hard to get in touch with your your branding and your marketing. Your contact info should be everywhere. Right?


00:24:24:06 - 00:24:25:15

Matt M.

But you be a secret agent.


00:24:25:15 - 00:24:42:11

Josh T.

Yeah. I can't be a secret agent, but I'm Josh Duggar underscore realtor on TikTok and Instagram. Instagram is usually the easiest because you can message. I watch all my messages. So even if people don't follow me, if they send me a message and it shows up and the additional messages, I read all that stuff. So that's a good way.


00:24:42:11 - 00:24:51:04

Josh T.

They can obviously buy my phone number, my email address anywhere by Googling or search my name. But Instagram is is very easy for me.


00:24:51:04 - 00:25:06:21

Matt M.

So that's awesome. And I also know that you are a huge supporter of your local humane society. Walk us through that. And you know, if someone listening to the show picks up $1,000,000 luxury listing off of your advice, you know, could they make a donation? Would that be appropriate? Tell me about tell me about your charity.


00:25:06:21 - 00:25:24:12

Josh T.

Yeah, absolutely. Like Norman Humane dot org is our website. I'm a president of the board of directors, so I don't I don't have a day to day, you know, operational duties to the facility. We have magnificent staff and and employees there that run the day to day of the company. The board of directors job is going to oversee it.


00:25:24:12 - 00:25:46:07

Josh T.

A 30,000 foot view. But you know, I've been on that I've been on that board since 2015 and started serving as the president, 2019 and very passionate about animals. It's a great facility. We we, you know, privately raised a little over $3 million to build a new facility in 2015 and we rescued well over a thousand animals a year.


00:25:46:07 - 00:25:48:21

Josh T.

So it's near and dear to my heart. And I enjoyed a lot.


00:25:49:20 - 00:26:01:16

Matt M.

When probably also a not so like don't play the philanthropic so probably a great way to network and meet people in your community also who have who have similar interests love animals love your community.


00:26:01:16 - 00:26:20:23

Josh T.

Yeah I've done you know, tens of millions of dollars of of real estate business with people on the board and people that volunteer. There are people that serve on committees, things like that. I don't I don't do it for that reason. But but naturally, once you get to know the people and they know what I do, I know what they do, we become friends.


00:26:20:23 - 00:26:23:14

Josh T.

We build that relationship. And it has definitely led to business for sure.


00:26:24:02 - 00:26:45:06

Matt M.

Such a huge point. I think every other needs to understand. It's not just about, you know, there's a lot of great people out there who are philanthropic, who donate their money, but I find that when you donate your time and you get involved on the board volunteer and you really like do it for the right reasons, other people see that and you make some seriously awesome connections and never know where or when that value's going to pop up.


00:26:45:14 - 00:26:57:11

Matt M.

If you're in real estate, you're in mortgages and sales, it I mean, it's unbelievable. Like why not help others? Is it helps you. Yeah. So I love our conversations. I cannot wait for this episode to go live. Thanks for your time today. Really appreciate it.


00:26:57:11 - 00:26:59:16

Josh T.

Absolutely. I appreciate it. And anytime I'll be on.


00:26:59:24 - 00:27:01:10

Matt M.

Thanks for listening and a huge.


00:27:01:10 - 00:27:12:06

Matt M.

Thank you to our sponsors, Neighborhood Loans and Treadstone Mortgage. With offices around the U.S., their loan officers offer a realtor centric focus personal communication from real humans, plus.


00:27:12:11 - 00:27:13:10

Matt M.

On time closings that.


00:27:13:10 - 00:27:35:16

Matt M.

Frankly are faster than most of the mortgage companies want to be connected to a great Ello message. Meet your host for more information and I will connect you with a loan officer in your neighborhood. One more marketing tips. Check out my book on Amazon Tag The Tangible Action Guide for Real Estate Marketing. And finally, if you want to support the show and hear even better guests, leave this review on the podcast platform for us and on.


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